Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bill Cosby is truly "Far From Finished"

Legendary comedian Bill Cosby's newest special, "Far From Finished," premiered this past weekend, and it was everything I hoped it would be.

This is going to be the least subjective review ever, so bear with me.

Cosby hasn't released a special in three decades, so this is a big deal. I was worried that Cosby's age and his safe, classical comedy would negatively affect his new special, but boy was I wrong. While "Far From Finished," doesn't quite hit the heights of Cosby's other works, it is still hilarious and shows that Cosby isn't ready to give up yet.

Let's get the negatives out of the way first so I can gush about seeing one of my favorite comedians return to the stage. Cosby has always had a particular brand of humor, one predicated on family-friendly, but still funny, material. Though most of it still works, some of it feels a little dated in this special, particularly a bit about finding a girl who will "drink beer" and "watch sports" with you. It's still a funny bit because of Cosby's delivery, but coming from any other comedian I think it would've failed.

OK, on to the good stuff. The best bit in the special is an extended story about Cosby trying to sneak some chocolate chip cookies while out to dinner with his wife. It showcases all of Cosby's trademark talents: his facial expressions, his impeccable timing, and his ability to make the mundane funny. Cosby is the only comedian who could pull off a bit like this and he does it marvelously. Every Cosby fan knows that he's at his best when talking about snacks, and this is yet another addition to his pantheon of cake and cookie based comedy.

Here's a short preview of the cookie bit, but you really need to see the whole thing. It's a thing of beauty.

 Side note: this cookie bit is also one of the few in the special that feature a lot of movement from Cosby. For the most part, he is seated in the middle of the stage. It doesn't really negatively impact the special though, because Cosby is so naturally funny.

"Far From Finished" also features quite a bit of crowd work, which is rare for a special of this size and ceremony. Cosby asks the audience to finish punchlines regularly, and it works very well.

Most of the material is about Cosby and his wife, and though this is well-trodden territory for Cosby, it's all fresh and new. Cosby is a true master of stand-up, and "Far From Finished" is no exception.

In the end, you're probably going to enjoy this special more if you are a fan of Cosby like I am. But then again, who isn't a fan of Cosby?


  1. I really hope he finishes soon, he's hardly funny at all

    1. Have you ever listened to or watched some of his older comedy specials? Or even The Cosby Show? In my opinion, Bill Cosby is one of the funniest people of all time. Why don't you like him?

  2. A couple of my friends recently got on a Bill Cosby kick - I had no idea the man was as funny as he is! Legitimate funny, not the goofy kind of funny we all seem to impersonate him as.

    1. Bill Cosby is truly one of the greatest comedians of all time, if not the best. I think you're right, he has become such a parodied figure that a lot of people forget how important he is to comedy. Nobody can do what Cosby does.
